Kto z koho: stážistka v Google a chlapi v modrej Avii z Oracle

Vojna je rozpútaná.  Predstavujem si to takto: Na jednej strane stoja stážistky od Google v plnej naivite a na druhej strane naštartované Avie plné rračkujúcich orráčkov:

The statement issued by Oracle spokesperson Karen Tillman simply said: “In developing Android, Google knowingly, directly and repeatedly infringed Oracle’s Java-related intellectual property. This lawsuit seeks appropriate remedies for their infringement.”

But someone at Google didn’t find this amusing and seemingly tampered with Google’s search algorithm and database by eliminating Oracle altogether. This was brought to my attention earlier today and then confirmed at approximately 3:00pm Eastern Time.

Google Briefly Punishes Oracle by Removal from Google Search | IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Patent Law

Via @synopsi a inšpirované Tomášovou predstavou, ako slovenský policajti vyskákali z modrej Avie a išli zhabať servery Googlu podobne ako onehdá Websupportu.