Google Health – príbehy priťahujú

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Just a few years ago, my father suffered a minor heart attack and was sent to the ER. I arrived on the scene in a panic, and was asked what medications he was taking. To my surprise, I had no clue. If my father had a Google Health account, and had shared his profile with me, I would have been up-to-date on his current medications.

I’m happy to announce today Google Health has addressed this issue with the release of a new „Share this profile“ feature enabling Google Health users to invite others they trust (whether it’s a family member, a trusted care network provider, friends, and/or a doctor) to view their medical records and personal health information.

Official Google Blog: Google Health: helping you better coordinate your care

Nástroje eHealth sú super vec. Až 91% varovaní o nebezpečných liekových interakciách je pri predpisovaná liekov ignorovaných. No nepropagujte to, keď to má taký význam. Pre príbehy.